Desolate Paradise

Dead Sky Morning (Experiment in Terror) - Karina Halle There is no WOW factor from these books, but they're entertaining to read. The relationship with Dex and Perry takes a whole different turn in this book. And might i say....the strip club part definitely had me squirsmish. And Why is it that Dex who sees creepy clown lady like Perry, denies the existence of ghosts it doesn't make any sense at all when he sees stuff too, hes seen the skinwalkers transform before him in the last book, I just don't understand!!!
Red Fox - Karina Halle Here Perry is still pining after Dex who she though she could care less about. she's got the hots for him ....finds herself sharing a bed with him...he makes more than one sexual joke even gets all handsy with her. And Perry completely blows it by deflecting off all his advances with jokes that more or less isn't happening. PERRY WHY YOU ARE YOU BEING SOOOO STUPID.
Anyway I have to say this was much better than the first. No need for character set up so you don't have thay nagging question "I are these ghost monster things really being seen by them". Because at this point its a definite yes. The plot is much better than the lasts and actually makes more sense. The opening of the book picks right up from where the Darkhouse left off. Everything with Dex is still a mystery which is kind of annoying. I have to say though...I like Perry but Im starting to get annoyed with her and her "body". Shes constantly complaining about her chunkiness, jiggles, fat, whatever its described as at the moment.
Daughter of Smoke & Bone  - Laini Taylor I absolutely love this book so much you have no idea!!! Theres so many things about this book that i just cant even pull my thoughts together with all the reasons why i like it so much.

I love that this takes place in Prague and not SOMEWHERE land in America, and... well Karou is tall, mysterious, artistic, beautiful, blue hair(wished to herself, yes WISHED) and covered in tattoos. I just love everything about her and her personality. I love the concept and they way she sues her 'magic'. What young person wouldn't.

When Karou first described Brimstone, speaking to her about her broken heart, love/boys..."the essential penis" conversation, I thought OH MY I love him already he sounds like a great fill in father figure. But then i read on and Karou speaks about her 'errands' and getting shot and reflects on her past experiences with him and i think wow why is he so cold. Its a love/hate thing with him on my end. Karou and Zuzuna have the most amazing friendship and since i hope books like this have dark turns it frightens me that something awful will happen to their friendship. And then the beautiful angel Akiva shows up and i immediatly cant help but want for him and Karou to get together IMMEDIATELY. Like Zuzana said "must mate". Anyway i could write forever about this book but i wont.....BECAUSE I'm off to read the second
Thin Air (Thin Air Saga, #1) - Lynn Seresin I give this a 4.5. WHY ARENT MORE PEOPLE READING THIS.If there was more detailed emotion I would have given it a 5. I really love this book..I just can’t put it into words at the moment. I love the beginning of the book seeing the ethereal world through Aeris. Everything is so descriptive then.
I have to say it’s great that Lynn Seresin has included gay MAIN characters in the story, but I feel like Dante and Shane are just uninformed peoples image of the “stereotypical gay couple’. A New York gay couple at that. Shane is well…just Shane. And Dante well he’s femininely beautiful, likes to wear: tight leather pants, eyeliner, eye shadow, and glitter, does theater and SINGS in a band. Oh and they both appear to be fans of Lady Gaga. And all the constant “cute bantering’, which isn’t really so cute…just kind of bugs me a little.

And the scene with Delilah ***SPOILER*****

I understand that she was a deranged psycho jealous woman and that she wouldn’t stop until Alice and Daniel were dead but the fact that he was so ready to kill her with no hesitation was just strange to me. He’s still human he has never killed someone before yet he was just all ”IT’S THE ONLY WAY”. I don’t think any other human would be so calm with that choice. He decided on that easier than someone decides what they are going to eat for lunch
Days of Blood and Starlight - Laini Taylor AHHHHHH AMAZING!!! If you have read book one you know there is a war going on and this book really shows it. I love that every few chapters you get to view this war from the innocent bystanders swept up and those pushed into it, chimera and angels alike. Death.... yes there is a lot of death. This book is mostly death but thats what war is. THis book never loses your attention for one second because something is always happening. And Laini Taylor does such a wonderful job of it that you don't feel like the book is desperate and trying to hold your attention. Its just that the book is soooo unbelievably good you don't want to stop. Every chapter Im holding my breath thingking OH MY WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN. And it is always the unexpected. It is so heart-fully and beautifully written, that even the constant hurt that goes back and forth between Akiva and Karou touches the reader.


Okay No Brimstone. I really am hoping he pops up in the next one, but i feel like he probably is truly gone. IM SO HAPPY WITH THE ENDING. IT GIVES ME HOPE THAT KAROU AND AKIVA WILL BE TOGETHER AGAIN. But poor ZIRI!!!
Darkhouse  - Karina Halle Okay Im not too far in this book but so far like this book. The main character Perry is a 22 yr old post college and still has no idea what she want to do with her life. Which i think is something a lot of people our age can relate too. And shes not your typical female main character that knows shes attractive and what not. Perry has body image and self esteem issues and is slightly jealous of her "taller leaner gorgeous sister'.
I have to say I absolutely love all the descriptions and comparisons that are used in this book.Like the way she describes Dex when she first meets him. "A simple eyebrow ring graced his right eyebrow. It was a very ‘90s look. A man after my own heart, apparently. He reminded me of Robert Downey Jr. in his strung-out drug days."

The mind set is definitely that of a 22 yr old with relate-able pop culture jokes and sarcasm that actually makes sense.


So this handsome and dark man aka Dex...turns out he has mental issues as well, which makes him a good fit for Perry. AND THEY BOTH HAVE SOME ABILITY TO SEE CREEPY STUFF that others can't. ghosts im guessing. I was kinda hoping (yes this is typical) that Dex would break up with his girlfriend and go for Perry , but NO that doesn't happen this time around. Its confusing I don't know if he even likes her in the slightest bit that way or if he just feels they have somthing to bond over:the paranormal stuff, and considers her a good friend. DAMN YOU DEX stop sending me mixed messages!!
Obsidian  - Jennifer L. Armentrout This is kinda the typical sappy teen romance…but I like it. its different. ALIENS.. and if you’re a Twilight fan then this is the book for you(BUT DONT EXPECT A LOVE TRIANGLE)!!!! An ordinary girl ..and a more than “special boy” head over heels for each other. Or should i say the new girl in school who seems to be the first girl that the most sought after boy in school just happens to become obsessed with! They are having issues and interferences in their attempt at a relationship. FYI Again there is no love triangle in this book. One thing i have to say that's really annoying is the so called "cursing". Every time daemon or anyone else starts cursing the book never actually says the words they just describe the profanity. Not saying that I want foul language but as an author if you're writing a story you either just say the DAMN word or not and don't DESCRIBE a string of curses coming out of someones mouth every chapter.


Also its annoying hearing Dawson constantly saying how much he loves the bond between him and Bethany. I think the book jumped way to fast into the relationship for the reader to even enjoy the characters as separate people now the 2 just seem as one. It gets way to sappy annoying mushy crap at times for me. The alien concept is weird to me though. The Luxen are "light" literally and their enemies the Arum are shadows/darkness. I think Daemons reaction to the loss of his brother is not in line with the character the book presents. I dont think Daemon would just have just accepted such a simple response from the DOD. "Your brother is gone...his body has been disposed of...". In my head I imagine Daemon threatenign if not physically attacking the agents till they gave him the truth and demand his brothers body. He knows the DOD i would think he be more ignoratn of their words and assume them to be lying. I think maybe if i was 19 Id give this a 4...maybe.... but I'm giving it 3.
Clockwork Prince - Cassandra Clare Way better than the first I tell you!!!!In the first book he was just kind of there but in this one he plays an important role and sympathizes with Tessa and Will, especially Will on many levels. So you still wont find out why Mortmain wants Tessa. Again the plot is well lacking.... SPOILERSSS*************

it again is all about Mortmain, finding mortmain, finding Mortmain. Mortmain doesnt appear anywhere in this book. Nathaniel is back yes that scum. BUT GUESS WHAT THE LONG AWAITED ROMANCE YOU WERE HOPING FOR (IF YOU WERE) IS NOW HERE. Jem, Will, Jem Will. I personally am TEAM WILL!! DAMN YOU TESSA FOR ACCEPTING JEMS PROPOSAL! DAMN YOU! Will finally catches the demon who cursed him......and when he does its very sad news. Actually not sad...depressing. I've absolutely fallen in love with Magnus. I have to say one thing that annoys me about this book is that EVERYONE IS IN LOVE. its quite annoying. Its one thing to have the love triangle and some other couple. But EVERYONE HAS LOVE TROUBLES IN THIS BOOK AND I CANT STAND IT. Sophie loves Jem but Jem loves Tessa. Tessa loves Will & later on JEM. But then Sophie loves Gideon.... Jessamine loves Nate. Charlotte thinks Henry doesn't love her, and Henry thinks Charlotte doesn't love him.BLAH BLAH. Guess what i dont care about everyone else's loves problem.
Clockwork Angel  - Cassandra Clare I found myself muddling through this book. It wasnt until i was 3/4s in that i found myself hungry to find out what happened next. (FYI if youre looking for romance this book doesnt have much of it, it pops up here and there but i have the feeling it will be more present in the next one) The plot had a surprising twist but then again i honestly wouldnt say there is much of a plot...... SPOILER****** STOP READING

The whole thing with this book is TESSA TESSA TESSA, apparently she is wanted but why!?? And the true bad guy.......dun dun dun...MORTMAIN!!!! I truly believed it was de Quincey, well that was because the book and all the charaters steer you that way. BUT WHY AND WHAT IS THE REASONING that Tessa is wanted. WELL YOU FINISH THE BOOK AND YOU Still DON'T FIND OUT. So Im hoping that the second book addresses why mortmain wants her and the whole DEALIO WITH HER PARENTS.
Switched (Trylle Trilogy #1) - Amanda Hocking So i read the end of course NOW i want to read the next book, even though i was completely disappointed with 90 percent of the book... i actually started getting some what excited when i read the last few pages, only to be left hanging. Here i sat thru this boorish book and just when i get to the end is when i decide i want to keep reading... I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS
Before I Fall - Lauren Oliver so i finished this book not to long ago and didn't get a chance to write a review till now.

so i start reading, and im feeling like "Ugh annoying stuck up teenage snobs, i dont know if i want to finish this book", BUT I AM SO GLAD I DID. This book really makes you think about those little things you say you treat people. THat when you have something to say or do..... just FOLLOW YOUR HEART, because everything may seem dandy, but no one ever knows when they are going to die. Savor those happy moments, cherish the longing looks of those who love you.

ANYWAY, so the first chapters of this were getting repetitive, but eventually it goes away and things change. I found myself constantly WANTING to keep reading because i just HAD to know how she was going to fix things, well if she was going to even try to make things better. The further i got into the story, the sadder it made me. It made me want to cry (ALMOST, not quite). But you learn that everyone has a story, dont believe what everyone tells you, dont bad mouth someone unless youve lived their life. HTere are so many messages you can get from this book.
Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn

This book was just insane... This is the first time where I've read a book and thought I knew what was going to happen, and I was so wrong . Most books you read and every time there is a think"I know what gonna happen"...and it predictable right? Well this never know why's going to happen. Here you have Nick an awful ass husband who doesn't deserve a good wife like Amy....or so you think... That's all I can say without ruining this for everyone else.. This book constantly left me shocked I found myself devouring this because I just needed to know why happened next
Primal (Vengeance, #1) - Raven Bower, Lain Bower WARNING: This is an erotic novel. I don'tknow maybe, i overlooked something but i if i recall i did not seeing anything mentioning that before i bought it. But just so everyone knows. Anyway yes i started reading this book and was like whoa erotic novel where did this come from.

The cover is initially what drew me in. ITS HOT!!! But thats the only thing hot about it. This book could have been so much better though than it was. There is nothing wrong with including multiple characters in a story and giving them each their own POV chapter to see how they are involved or how they view a situation. But i felt there were too many intertwining characters and storylines and it just made the book confusing and exhausting to keep track of who was who.

Here is each character that has chapters based on their POV and the names of characters they associate with. Im missing some but well there are too many.

Wrey: Avron, David, Billie, Pete
Avron: Kira, Wrey
Kira: Giselle, Caghn, Evan,
Mako: Claw, Ana, Jaw, Mason,Halo, Beams(Im missing some here)
Billie:Galen, Jory
David: Stan

I just thought the writing was weak. And too much was trying to be crammed into one book. I got really tired of hearing about how Kira just wanted to bang some guy so bad, i know she was in heat or whatever but still. I feel somethings were constantly repeated just to fill in some space. Like the fact that Kira couldn't sleep with a man because if she did that would make him her mate so she had to settle for entertainment/pleasure by Giselle. This is said quite a few times which quite frankly wasn't necessary.

I give it a 2.5
Silver Borne - Patricia Briggs I honestly don't think i could be critical of these books, i love them too much. SO i guess all my reviews on these books happen to be a little biased. Mercy and Adam finally get more serious with their relationship leading to more physical and emotional side of them. But i have to say i don't like seeing Mercy all mushy but i guess she cant be a tough woman all the time.
Iron Kissed - Patricia Briggs The plot in this book had a much better twist than the last 2. and thingheated up between Mercy and "man's name you'll have to read to find out". its the first time i read a book involving a love triangel where i want the woman to sty neutral so she can have both men!. kinda slutty sounding but yes thats my opinion. i like sam and adam both. its impossible to choose
River Marked - Patricia Briggs So i just started and I'm like wtf Mercy and Adam are engaged,and 2 seconds later married. But this is again so far is a continuing look at the development of their relationship and romance.
So this one is by far the most different than all the rest. It's just Adam and mercy mainly in this book. No pack ,zee, uncle mike, Sam or Stefan to jump in and save the day. And finally we learn more about "the father" mercy never knew. I have to say I really missed Sam in this one, it felt empty without him in this. And the one thing that keeps bothering me is how will the whole mercy Adam thing work when he is forever young and she ages like a human. . Hopefully she somehow becomes immortal in the next book... Maybe...

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